Ar Muir is ar Sliabh e-bog
Sraith nua teilifise an dushlan leirithe agus eachtraiochta faoin aer ata roimh Bhrian agus Lise. Fiche-aoisigh, agus iad aclai, dathuil. Eatarthu beirt, na treithe agus na buanna acu chun dul i ngleic le guaisbhearta na heachtraiochta agus lucht feachana teilifise a mhealladh. / In this Irish-language novel, Brian and Lise are the presenters of a new television adventure series in the making. Twenty-somethings, athletic, good-looking, they have all the combined talents to engage in the rigorous challenges of the outdoors and present them to a television audience. Ar Muir is ar Sliabh is both a dialogue with the landscape and seascape of Ireland, and the growth of trust, perhaps even of intimacy, between two characters. But they are also pursued, even stalked, by the indoor ghosts of their past.