Ar an Taifead (2012) e-bog
Eagrán cóirithe nuashonraithe den saothar bunaidh a mbaintear an-leas as ar chúrsaí oiliúna sna meáin chumarsáide Ghaeilge. Tá athruithe agus forbairtí móra san earnáil ó foilsíodh an bunsaothar in 2007. Tá gnéithe breise curtha leis an eagrán seo, go háirithe treoir faoi chúrsaí eagarthóireachta agus plé cuimsitheach ar na meáin úra.
NOTE: Please note that this book is in not in the English language; it is an Irish-language work only.
A revised edition of the original which is widely used in Irish language training courses about the media and communications. The new edition takes into account the major changes and developments which have occured in the Irish media sector since 2007 and includes additional features such as guidance on editorial matters and a comprehensive discussion of the new media.