Lá leis na Lochlannaigh e-bog
A novel in the Irish language (there is no English language translation in the text) for children 9 years and older. Cormac and Brídín are excited to be staying with Granny and Grandad again. They are looking forward to another historical adventure through the magic door. But, when they travel to Viking Dublin, there is danger in the air. Will they escape the peril? And what will they find out about the real lives of the Vikings? / Tá Cormac agus Brídín ar bís le stopadh tí Mhamó agus Daideo arís. Tá siad ag súil le heachtra spleodrach stairiúil eile tríd an doras draíochta. Ach, nuair a thaistealaíonn siad go Duibhlinn na Lochlannach, tá dainséar agus priacal san aer. An éireoidh leo teacht slán ón chontúirt? Agus cad a gheobhaidh siad amach faoi fhíorshaol na Lochlannach?