CBAC Safon Uwch Hanes Canllaw i Fyfyrwyr Uned 5: Dehongliadau Hanesyddol (asesu di-arholiad) WJEC A-level History Student Guide Unit 5: Historical Interpretations (non-examined assessment; Welsh language edition)
Star, Phil90,41 DKK
CBAC UG Hanes Canllaw i Fyfyrwyr Uned 2: Weimar a i Sialensiau, tua 1918 1933 (WJEC AS-level History Student Guide Unit 2: Weimar and its challenges c.1918-1933 (Welsh-language edition)
Holt, Gareth90,41 DKK
OCR A-level Physical Education Student Guide 2: Psychological factors affecting performance
Byrne, Michaela90,41 DKK
CBAC Safon Uwch Daearyddiaeth Canllaw i Fyfyrwyr 6: Them u Cyfoes mewn Daearyddiaeth (WJEC/Eduqas A-level Geography Student Guide 6: Contemporary Themes in Geography Welsh-language edition)
King, Nicky90,41 DKK
Pearson Edexcel A-level Psychology Student Guide 2: Applications of psychology
Brain, Christine90,41 DKK
AQA A Level Physical Education Student Guide 2: Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
Young, Sue90,41 DKK
WJEC/Eduqas A-level Geography Student Guide 5: Global Governance: Change and challenges; 21st century challenges
Oakes, Simon90,41 DKK
AQA A-level Geography Student Guide 3: Hazards; Population and the Environment
Redfern, David90,41 DKK
WJEC/Eduqas A-level Year 2 Business Student Guide 3: Business Analysis and Strategy
Bell, Tracey90,41 DKK