Films, cinema > Individual film directors, film-makers

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Dola Bonfils

246,84 DKK

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David Lynch

224,92 DKK

Kieślowskis kunst
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Kieślowskis kunst

Erik Svendsen

55,92 DKK

Lars von Trier's Renewal of Film 1984-2014
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Lars von Trier's Renewal of Film 1984-2014

Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen

135,79 DKK

Cut. Bag om dansk films ny guldalder - fortalt af dem, der skabte den
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Cut. Bag om dansk films ny guldalder - fortalt af dem, der skabte den

Jacob Wendt Jensen

64,92 DKK

Lars von Triers film. Tvang og befrielse
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Lars von Triers film. Tvang og befrielse

Peter Schepelern

64,92 DKK

Coen Brothers - Virgin Film

Coen Brothers - Virgin Film

Robson, Eddie

146,74 DKK

Virgin Film: Ridley Scott

Virgin Film: Ridley Scott

Clarke, James

154,35 DKK

Charles Urban

Charles Urban

McKernan, Luke

198,42 DKK

Charles Urban

Charles Urban

McKernan, Luke

656,09 DKK

Celluloid War Memorials

Celluloid War Memorials

Connelly, Mark

656,09 DKK

Celluloid War Memorials

Celluloid War Memorials

Connelly, Mark

656,09 DKK

Other Side of Me

Other Side of Me

Sheldon, Sidney

50,64 DKK

Searching for John Hughes

Searching for John Hughes

Diamond, Jason

84,89 DKK

Anything You Can Imagine

Anything You Can Imagine

Nathan, Ian

135,33 DKK

Star Wars Book

Star Wars Book

Zehr, Dan

173,39 DKK

Fat Lady Sang

Fat Lady Sang

Evans, Robert

97,26 DKK

Disaster Artist

Disaster Artist

Bissell, Tom

99,54 DKK

Virgin Film: Oliver Stone

Virgin Film: Oliver Stone

Lavington, Stephen

154,35 DKK

Robert Musil und Amos Gitaï: Die Ethik des Moeglichkeitssinns

Robert Musil und Amos Gitaï: Die Ethik des Moeglichkeitssinns

Bernadette Appel, Appel

583,01 DKK

Arms and the Man - An Anti-Romantic Comedy in Three Acts

Arms and the Man - An Anti-Romantic Comedy in Three Acts

Shaw, Bernard

83,35 DKK



Sangster, Jim

154,35 DKK

Portrait Of Leni Riefenstahl

Portrait Of Leni Riefenstahl

Salkeld, Audrey

117,05 DKK

Crazy Salad & Scribble Scribble (An Omnibus)

Crazy Salad & Scribble Scribble (An Omnibus)

Ephron, Nora

78,54 DKK

Complete Kubrick

Complete Kubrick

Hughes, David

154,35 DKK

Wallflower at the Orgy

Wallflower at the Orgy

Ephron, Nora

78,54 DKK

I Remember Nothing and other reflections

I Remember Nothing and other reflections

Ephron, Nora

90,41 DKK

Supernatural Cinema of Guillermo del Toro

Supernatural Cinema of Guillermo del Toro

John W. Morehead, Morehead

151,31 DKK

Most of Nora Ephron

Most of Nora Ephron

Ephron, Nora

99,54 DKK

Elio Petri

Elio Petri

Roberto Curti, Curti

200,69 DKK