Library and information sciences / Museology > Museology and heritage studies

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Ageing of Materials and Structures

Ageing of Materials and Structures

Beek, Ton van

875,33 DKK

Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH)

Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH)

Akagawa, Natsuko

2190,77 DKK

Hunter-gatherers in a Changing World

Hunter-gatherers in a Changing World

Pyhala, Aili

36,20 DKK

Repatriation of Sacred Indigenous Cultural Heritage and the Law

Repatriation of Sacred Indigenous Cultural Heritage and the Law

Tunsmeyer, Vanessa

1167,65 DKK

Urban Heritage Management

Urban Heritage Management

Colavitti, Anna Maria

948,41 DKK

Crime and Art

Crime and Art

Yates, Donna

1240,73 DKK

Tourism in Transitions

Tourism in Transitions

Wieckowski, Marek

875,33 DKK

International Relations and Heritage

International Relations and Heritage

Botelho, Maria Leonor

1021,49 DKK

It Came From Outer Space Wearing an RAF Blazer!

It Came From Outer Space Wearing an RAF Blazer!

Mobberley, Martin

403,64 DKK

Die geteilte Vergangenheit

Die geteilte Vergangenheit

Danyel, Jurgen

875,33 DKK

East Asian Architecture in Globalization

East Asian Architecture in Globalization

Amaro, Bebio Vieira

2921,57 DKK

Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance

Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance

Gilibert, Alessandra

802,25 DKK

Henricus Martellus's World Map at Yale (c. 1491)

Henricus Martellus's World Map at Yale (c. 1491)

Duzer, Chet Van

948,41 DKK

Farming on the Fringe

Farming on the Fringe

James, Sarah

875,33 DKK

Nazi and Holocaust Representations in Anglo-American Popular Culture, 1945-2020

Nazi and Holocaust Representations in Anglo-American Popular Culture, 1945-2020

Demsky, Jeffrey

509,93 DKK

Räume öffnen sich

Räume öffnen sich

Kretschmann, Carsten

619,55 DKK

International Relations and Heritage

International Relations and Heritage

Botelho, Maria Leonor

1021,49 DKK

Intangible Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property

Intangible Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property

Ubertazzi, Benedetta

1021,49 DKK

Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development

Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development

Meissner, Marlen

583,01 DKK

Artful Economist

Artful Economist

Towse, Ruth

802,25 DKK

Theorizing Heritage through Non-Violent Resistance

Theorizing Heritage through Non-Violent Resistance

Uzer, Evren

948,41 DKK

Camille Flammarion's The Planet Mars

Camille Flammarion's The Planet Mars

Flammarion, Camille

1240,73 DKK

Impact of International Migration

Impact of International Migration

Sagynbekova, Lira

875,33 DKK

Sustainable Urban Development and Globalization

Sustainable Urban Development and Globalization

Bellaviti, Paola

1240,73 DKK

Northern Sustainabilities: Understanding and Addressing Change in the Circumpolar World

Northern Sustainabilities: Understanding and Addressing Change in the Circumpolar World

Wilson, Gary N.

875,33 DKK

Festivals and Heritage in Latin America

Festivals and Heritage in Latin America

Rabassa, Jorge

583,01 DKK

Die Bewahrer des Erbes

Die Bewahrer des Erbes

Farmer, Walter I.

875,33 DKK

Heritage and the Sea

Heritage and the Sea

Nayling, Nigel

1240,73 DKK

Neutron Methods for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Neutron Methods for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Festa, Giulia

2190,77 DKK