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Set Theory and Its Logic

Set Theory and Its Logic

Willard Van Orman Quine, Quine

366,80 DKK

Informal Logic

Informal Logic

Grennan, Wayne

619,55 DKK

Theory of Argumentation

Theory of Argumentation

Charles Arthur Willard, Willard

403,64 DKK

Hegel's Political Philosophy

Hegel's Political Philosophy

Bosworth, Stephen C.

273,24 DKK

Factuality Formula

Factuality Formula

XI, Prince Tanaka

36,85 DKK

Philosophy Formula

Philosophy Formula

XI, Prince Tanaka

36,85 DKK

Hegel and Modern Philosophy

Hegel and Modern Philosophy

Lamb, David

273,24 DKK

Incomparable Values

Incomparable Values

Nolt, John

348,37 DKK

Logical Conclusion Formula

Logical Conclusion Formula

XI, Prince Tanaka

36,85 DKK

Practical Inferences

Practical Inferences

Clarke, D S

436,85 DKK

British Hegelians

British Hegelians

Robbins, Peter

273,24 DKK

Moral Responsibility and the Psychopath

Moral Responsibility and the Psychopath

Baxter, Jim

223,05 DKK

Practical Inferences

Practical Inferences

Clarke, D S

436,85 DKK

Intelligence Formula

Intelligence Formula

XI, Prince Tanaka

36,85 DKK

Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic

Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic

Shapiro, Stewart

359,43 DKK

Introductory Text-Book of Logic

Introductory Text-Book of Logic

Mellone, Sydney Herbert

94,98 DKK

Mathematics and Scientific Representation

Mathematics and Scientific Representation

Pincock, Christopher

317,82 DKK

Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy

Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy

Russell, Bertrand

77,76 DKK

Kant's Theory of Knowledge

Kant's Theory of Knowledge

Prichard, H. A.

85,76 DKK

Introduction to Modern Logic

Introduction to Modern Logic

Lodge, Rupert Clendon

85,76 DKK

Elements of Deductive Logic

Elements of Deductive Logic

Davis, Noah Knowles

77,76 DKK

Elements of Logic, Adapted to the Capacity of Younger Students, and Designed for Academies and the Higher Classes of Common Schools

Elements of Logic, Adapted to the Capacity of Younger Students, and Designed for Academies and the Higher Classes of Common Schools

True, Charles K.

68,60 DKK

Investigation of the Laws of Thought

Investigation of the Laws of Thought

Boole, George

94,98 DKK

Empiricism and Experience

Empiricism and Experience

Gupta, Anil

208,82 DKK

Studies in Deductive Logic

Studies in Deductive Logic

Jevons, W. Stanley

85,76 DKK

Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic

Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic

Shapiro, Stewart

359,43 DKK

Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy

Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy

Mill, John Stuart

104,11 DKK

Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders

Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders

Whyte, Jamie

127,71 DKK

Of Induction

Of Induction

Whewell, W.

68,60 DKK

Realistic Decision Theory

Realistic Decision Theory

Weirich, Paul

619,55 DKK