Vis mig kun

Magia Sexualis

Magia Sexualis

Urban, Hugh B.

729,17 DKK

Beyond Rationalism

Beyond Rationalism

Kapferer, Bruce

317,82 DKK

Real Witches' Handbook

Real Witches' Handbook

West, Kate

82,58 DKK

Chemical Literature

Chemical Literature

Bolton, H. Carrington

59,77 DKK

Remarks Upon Alchemy and the Alchemists

Remarks Upon Alchemy and the Alchemists

Hitchcock, Ethan Allen

85,76 DKK

Discourse of Fire and Salt, Discovering Many Secret Mysteries, as Well Philosophicall, as Theologicall

Discourse of Fire and Salt, Discovering Many Secret Mysteries, as Well Philosophicall, as Theologicall

Vigenere, Blaise de

68,60 DKK

wise-mans crown, or The glory of the rosie-cross

wise-mans crown, or The glory of the rosie-cross

Heydon, John

68,60 DKK

Philosophical Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq.

Philosophical Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq.

Shaw, Peter

123,90 DKK

Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers

Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers

Barrett, Francis

85,76 DKK

Religious Philosopher, or the Right Use of Contemplating the Works of the Creator

Religious Philosopher, or the Right Use of Contemplating the Works of the Creator

Nieuwentyt, Bernard

94,98 DKK

Philosophical Epitaph of W. C. Esquire, for a Memento Mori on the Philosophers (Tomb) Stone

Philosophical Epitaph of W. C. Esquire, for a Memento Mori on the Philosophers (Tomb) Stone

Cooper, William

546,47 DKK

IL Primo Libro De Trattato Delle Perfette Proporzioni di Tutte Cose Che Imitare, e Ritrarre Si Possano con l'Arte del Disegno

IL Primo Libro De Trattato Delle Perfette Proporzioni di Tutte Cose Che Imitare, e Ritrarre Si Possano con l'Arte del Disegno

Danti, Vincenzio

59,77 DKK

Sceptical Chymist, or Chymico-Physical Doubts and Paradoxes, Touching the Experiments Whereby Vulgar Spagirists Are Wont to Endeavour to Evince Their Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, to Be the True Principles of Things

Sceptical Chymist, or Chymico-Physical Doubts and Paradoxes, Touching the Experiments Whereby Vulgar Spagirists Are Wont to Endeavour to Evince Their Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, to Be the True Principles of Things

Boyle, Robert

123,90 DKK

Trattato dell'Imbrigliare, Maneggiare, Et Ferrare Cavalli

Trattato dell'Imbrigliare, Maneggiare, Et Ferrare Cavalli

Fiaschi, Cesare

68,60 DKK

Stealing Fire from Heaven

Stealing Fire from Heaven

Drury, Nevill

260,50 DKK

Dictionnaire Mytho-Hermétique

Dictionnaire Mytho-Hermétique

Pernety, Antoine-Joseph

104,11 DKK

Medicina Practica, or Practical Physick

Medicina Practica, or Practical Physick

Salmon, William

123,90 DKK

Hermetical Triumph, or the Victorious Philosophical Stone

Hermetical Triumph, or the Victorious Philosophical Stone

Saint-Didier, Alexandre-Toussaint Limojon de

77,76 DKK

New Light of Alchymie

New Light of Alchymie

Sandivogius, Micheel

85,76 DKK

Basil Valentine, His Triumphant Chariot of Antimony

Basil Valentine, His Triumphant Chariot of Antimony

Valentine, Basil

68,60 DKK

Triumphal Chariot of Antimony

Triumphal Chariot of Antimony

Valentinus, Basilius

77,76 DKK

Philosophical Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq.

Philosophical Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq.

Shaw, Peter

123,90 DKK

Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, Called Paracelsus the Great

Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, Called Paracelsus the Great


94,98 DKK

Paracelsus of the Transmutation of Metals

Paracelsus of the Transmutation of Metals


68,60 DKK

Alchemy, Its Science and Romance

Alchemy, Its Science and Romance

Mercer, John Edward

77,76 DKK

La Vera Dichiaratione di Tutte le Metafore, Similitudini, e Enimmi De gl'Antichi Filosofi Alchimisti, Tanto Caldei e Arabi, Come Greci e Latini

La Vera Dichiaratione di Tutte le Metafore, Similitudini, e Enimmi De gl'Antichi Filosofi Alchimisti, Tanto Caldei e Arabi, Come Greci e Latini

Quattrami, Evangelista

77,76 DKK

Collectanea Chymica

Collectanea Chymica

Ripley, Geo;

77,76 DKK

Dialogo della Giostra Fatta in Trivigi l'Anno MDXCVII

Dialogo della Giostra Fatta in Trivigi l'Anno MDXCVII

Torre, Giovanni Dalla

68,60 DKK

Libro di Marco Aurelio con l'Horologio De Prencipi

Libro di Marco Aurelio con l'Horologio De Prencipi

Guevara, Antonio de

123,90 DKK

Fasciculus Chemicus, or Chymical Collections

Fasciculus Chemicus, or Chymical Collections

Hasolle, James

85,76 DKK