Cultural and media studies > Media studies

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Podglądanie na odległość
BookClub ready

Podglądanie na odległość

Krzysztof Toeplitz

32,69 DKK

Dokąd prowadzą nas media
BookClub ready

Dokąd prowadzą nas media

Krzysztof Toeplitz

36,20 DKK

Inkluderende journalistik

Inkluderende journalistik

Lotte Rosdahl

204,68 DKK

Interview. Kunsten at lytte og spørge
BookClub ready

Interview. Kunsten at lytte og spørge

Jan Krag Jacobsen

64,92 DKK

At interviewe. En bog om at spørge meningsfyldt
BookClub ready

At interviewe. En bog om at spørge meningsfyldt

Jan Krag Jacobsen

40,27 DKK

Samtaler. En bog om tid, tavshed, nærvær og fordybelse
BookClub ready

Samtaler. En bog om tid, tavshed, nærvær og fordybelse

Reimer Bo Christensen

52,38 DKK

Intellectuals Incorporated

Intellectuals Incorporated

Vanderlan, Robert

619,55 DKK

From Jack Johnson to LeBron James

From Jack Johnson to LeBron James

Lamb, Chris

273,24 DKK

Internet, Social Media, and a Changing China

Internet, Social Media, and a Changing China

Yang, Guobin

619,55 DKK

Wildlife Films

Wildlife Films

Bouse, Derek

329,95 DKK

Public Relations

Public Relations

L'Etang, Jacquie

403,64 DKK

Broadside Ballad in Early Modern England

Broadside Ballad in Early Modern England

Fumerton, Patricia

875,33 DKK

United States of Distraction

United States of Distraction

Higdon, Nolan

132,28 DKK

Text Me

Text Me

Schein, Jeffrey

302,96 DKK

Text Me

Text Me

Schein, Jeffrey

302,96 DKK

Nervous Man Shouldn't Be Here in the First Place

Nervous Man Shouldn't Be Here in the First Place

Amy Paige Condon

273,24 DKK

Nervous Man Shouldn't Be Here in the First Place

Nervous Man Shouldn't Be Here in the First Place

Amy Paige Condon

273,24 DKK

Sound Business

Sound Business

Stamm, Michael

280,67 DKK

Friends, Followers and the Future

Friends, Followers and the Future

O'Connor, Rory

124,66 DKK

Friends, Followers and the Future

Friends, Followers and the Future

O'Connor, Rory

124,66 DKK

New Media Invasion

New Media Invasion

John David Ebert, Ebert

151,31 DKK

Rape on Prime Time

Rape on Prime Time

Cuklanz, Lisa M.

280,67 DKK

Learning in Real and Virtual Worlds

Learning in Real and Virtual Worlds

Lacasa, P.

436,85 DKK

American Babel

American Babel

Doerksen, Clifford J.

473,39 DKK

Words That Matter

Words That Matter

Ladd, Jonathan

202,96 DKK

Understanding Deviance, Crime, Social Control, and Mass Media

Understanding Deviance, Crime, Social Control, and Mass Media

Ziyanak, Sebahattin

348,37 DKK

Breakup 2.0

Breakup 2.0

Gershon, Ilana

1386,89 DKK

Understanding Deviance, Crime, Social Control, and Mass Media

Understanding Deviance, Crime, Social Control, and Mass Media

Ziyanak, Sebahattin

348,37 DKK

Words That Matter

Words That Matter

Ladd, Jonathan

202,96 DKK

PLO: Critical appraisals from the inside

PLO: Critical appraisals from the inside

Jeenah, Na'eem

359,43 DKK