Vis mig kun

Hopi Runners

Hopi Runners

Gilbert, Matthew Sakiestewa

238,03 DKK

Hopi Runners

Hopi Runners

Gilbert, Matthew Sakiestewa

238,03 DKK

Ethnic Conflict, Tribal Politics

Ethnic Conflict, Tribal Politics

Christie, Kenneth

436,85 DKK

Indigenous Heritage

Indigenous Heritage

Ruhanen, Lisa

348,37 DKK

Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Rights

Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Rights

Young, Stephen

348,37 DKK

Forest Preservation in a Changing Climate

Forest Preservation in a Changing Climate

Jodoin, Sebastien

238,03 DKK

Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation

Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation

Rubis, Jennifer T.

583,01 DKK

Nation Within

Nation Within

Rosser, Ezra

260,50 DKK

Forest Preservation in a Changing Climate

Forest Preservation in a Changing Climate

Jodoin, Sebastien

238,03 DKK

Nation Within

Nation Within

Rosser, Ezra

260,50 DKK

Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation

Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation

Rubis, Jennifer T.

583,01 DKK

Spiraling Webs of Relation

Spiraling Webs of Relation

DiNova, Joanne

359,43 DKK

Leading and Managing Indigenous Education in the Postcolonial World

Leading and Managing Indigenous Education in the Postcolonial World

Rhea, Zane Ma

473,39 DKK

Decolonising Indigenous Child Welfare

Decolonising Indigenous Child Welfare

Libesman, Terri

436,85 DKK

Handbook of Indigenous Peoples' Rights

Handbook of Indigenous Peoples' Rights

Lennox, Corinne

436,85 DKK

Health and Social Issues of Native American Women

Health and Social Issues of Native American Women

Francine C. Gachupin, Gachupin

403,64 DKK

Observation of Savage Peoples

Observation of Savage Peoples

Degerando, Joseph-Marie

436,85 DKK

Is the Sacred for Sale

Is the Sacred for Sale

Johnston, Alison M

473,39 DKK

Rethinking Resource Management

Rethinking Resource Management

Howitt, Richard

692,63 DKK

Leading and Managing Indigenous Education in the Postcolonial World

Leading and Managing Indigenous Education in the Postcolonial World

Rhea, Zane Ma

473,39 DKK

Observation of Savage Peoples

Observation of Savage Peoples

Degerando, Joseph-Marie

436,85 DKK

Present Politics of the Past

Present Politics of the Past

Eudaily, Sean Patrick

436,85 DKK

Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology

Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology

Pierotti, Raymond

359,43 DKK

Handbook of Indigenous Peoples' Rights

Handbook of Indigenous Peoples' Rights

Lennox, Corinne

436,85 DKK

Is the Sacred for Sale

Is the Sacred for Sale

Johnston, Alison M

473,39 DKK

Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology

Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology

Pierotti, Raymond

359,43 DKK

Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology

Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology

Pierotti, Raymond

359,43 DKK

Indigenous Nations and Modern States

Indigenous Nations and Modern States

Ryser, Rudolph C.

473,39 DKK

Indigenous Social Work around the World

Indigenous Social Work around the World

Coates, John

436,85 DKK

Indigenous Nations and Modern States

Indigenous Nations and Modern States

Ryser, Rudolph C.

473,39 DKK