Emergency services > Police and security services

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Preben Lund

246,84 DKK

Politihunde i statens tjeneste

Politihunde i statens tjeneste

Claus Sørensen

97,98 DKK

Uropatruljen - Politiets hårde halse
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Uropatruljen - Politiets hårde halse

Frederik Strand

143,22 DKK

Huset vinder altid
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Huset vinder altid

Casper Fauerholdt

117,43 DKK

Min sag

Min sag

Jon Michelet

75,19 DKK

På patrulje
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På patrulje

Kristian Bech

117,43 DKK

Den 9. kreds - Politiet indefra
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Den 9. kreds - Politiet indefra

Kristian Brårud Larsen

143,22 DKK

I tryghedens navn
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I tryghedens navn

Mette Volquartzen

117,43 DKK

Rejseholdets historie
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Rejseholdets historie

Ove Kryger Rasmussen

64,92 DKK

Syv år for PET
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Syv år for PET

Morten Skjoldager

59,88 DKK

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Bjørn Schiønning

224,92 DKK

National Intelligence Systems

National Intelligence Systems

Agrell, Wilhelm

1021,49 DKK

How to Pass the Police Selection System

How to Pass the Police Selection System

Tolley, Catherine

117,05 DKK

How to Pass the Police Selection System

How to Pass the Police Selection System

Tolley, Catherine

117,05 DKK

Trends in Policing

Trends in Policing

Das, Dilip K.

288,10 DKK

Human Rights Policing

Human Rights Policing

Marina, Pedro

273,24 DKK

Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual

Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual

Olson, Kathryn

359,43 DKK

Trends in Policing

Trends in Policing

Das, Dilip K.

288,10 DKK

Fear, Society, and the Police

Fear, Society, and the Police

June, Dale L.

436,85 DKK

Fear, Society, and the Police

Fear, Society, and the Police

June, Dale L.

436,85 DKK

Translational Criminology in Policing

Translational Criminology in Policing

Weisburd, The George Mason Police Research Group with David

322,59 DKK

Active Shooter Response Training

Active Shooter Response Training

Hyderkhan, Scott

509,93 DKK

Officer-Involved Shootings and Use of Force

Officer-Involved Shootings and Use of Force

Dickson, Randy

875,33 DKK

Law Enforcement and the INS

Law Enforcement and the INS

Weissinger, George

302,96 DKK

Markets for Force

Markets for Force

Petersohn, Ulrich

692,63 DKK

Security Operations

Security Operations

Robert H. Deatherage, Jr.

583,01 DKK

Human Rights Policing

Human Rights Policing

Marina, Pedro

273,24 DKK

Privatization of Fraud Investigation

Privatization of Fraud Investigation

Gottschalk, Petter

348,37 DKK

Exploring Contemporary Police Challenges

Exploring Contemporary Police Challenges

Das, Dilip K.

403,64 DKK