Society and Social Sciences > Education

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STEM Education for High-Ability Learners

STEM Education for High-Ability Learners

MacFarlane, Bronwyn

273,24 DKK

Integrating Technology in Literacy Instruction

Integrating Technology in Literacy Instruction

Vasinda, Sheri

359,43 DKK

Research Management

Research Management

Miller, Pamela F.

473,39 DKK

Baby Farm Animals Booklet With Activities for Kids ages 4-8

Baby Farm Animals Booklet With Activities for Kids ages 4-8


42,15 DKK

English and Literacies

English and Literacies

Brosseuk, Deb

546,47 DKK

Talent Development for English Language Learners

Talent Development for English Language Learners

Castellano, Jaime A.

317,82 DKK

Hands-On Ecology

Hands-On Ecology

Kessler, Colleen

209,76 DKK

Great Chocolate Caper

Great Chocolate Caper

Carr, Mary Ann

119,34 DKK

Talented Children and Adults

Talented Children and Adults

Piirto, Jane

619,55 DKK

Create a Growth Mindset School

Create a Growth Mindset School

Ricci, Mary Cay

209,76 DKK

Health Humanities in Postgraduate Medical Education

Health Humanities in Postgraduate Medical Education

Skorzewska, Anna

295,53 DKK

Teaching Under Attack

Teaching Under Attack

Roy, Walter

230,54 DKK

Science Sleuths

Science Sleuths

Mucenski, Dennis J.

245,52 DKK

Understanding and Working with Gifted Learners

Understanding and Working with Gifted Learners

Cathcart, Rosemary

322,59 DKK

Differentiating Instruction With Menus

Differentiating Instruction With Menus

Westphal, Laurie E.

177,19 DKK

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades 6-8

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades 6-8

Stanley, Todd

273,24 DKK

Mythology for Teens

Mythology for Teens

Hamby, Zachary

177,19 DKK

Teaching Climate History

Teaching Climate History

Singer, Alan J.

348,37 DKK

Killing Public Higher Education

Killing Public Higher Education

Stocum, David L.

184,80 DKK

Becoming a Diversity Leader on Campus

Becoming a Diversity Leader on Campus

III, Eugene T. Parker

317,82 DKK

China Urban and Rural Public Education Service Equalization

China Urban and Rural Public Education Service Equalization

Zhe, Luo

348,37 DKK

Purpose-Driven Learning

Purpose-Driven Learning

Moreno, Adam

265,81 DKK

Wellbeing Champions: A Complete Toolkit for Schools

Wellbeing Champions: A Complete Toolkit for Schools

Waterhouse, Alison

359,43 DKK

Augmentative and Assistive Communication with Children

Augmentative and Assistive Communication with Children

Rogers, Sharon M.

329,95 DKK

RoutledgeFalmer Reader in the Philosophy of Education

RoutledgeFalmer Reader in the Philosophy of Education

Carr, Wilfred

348,37 DKK

Music, Sound and Vibration in Special Education

Music, Sound and Vibration in Special Education

Anderson, Ange

230,54 DKK

Super Smart

Super Smart

Young, Stephen S.

177,19 DKK

Body, Embodiment, and Education

Body, Embodiment, and Education

Stolz, Steven A.

348,37 DKK

Education and the Value of Knowledge

Education and the Value of Knowledge

Degenhardt, M. A. B.

230,54 DKK

International Perspectives on Teacher Education

International Perspectives on Teacher Education

Sharpes, Donald K.

273,24 DKK