Society and Social Sciences > Education

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Pupil, Teacher and Family Voice in Educational Institutions

Pupil, Teacher and Family Voice in Educational Institutions

Goodwyn, Andrew

329,95 DKK

Developing a Curriculum

Developing a Curriculum

Nicholls, S. Howard

288,10 DKK

Hannah Arendt And Education

Hannah Arendt And Education

Gordon, Mordechai

436,85 DKK

Legal Handbook For Educators

Legal Handbook For Educators

Hollander, Patricia

359,43 DKK

Bullying Prevention for Schools

Bullying Prevention for Schools

Beane, Allan L.

295,53 DKK

What Is Nadi Astrology ?: Its Rules and Working Principles

What Is Nadi Astrology ?: Its Rules and Working Principles

Bhavat, Yayathi

40,73 DKK

Small Group Teaching

Small Group Teaching

Fisher, Andrew

253,01 DKK

Creating Interdisciplinary Campus Cultures

Creating Interdisciplinary Campus Cultures

Klein, Julie Thompson

329,95 DKK

Introduction to the History of Education in Modern Egypt

Introduction to the History of Education in Modern Egypt

Heyworth-Dunne, J.

436,85 DKK

Moral Issues in Mental Retardation

Moral Issues in Mental Retardation

Ashman, Adrian F.

317,82 DKK

Immigration, Integration and Education

Immigration, Integration and Education

Welply, Oakleigh

348,37 DKK

Knowledge and the University

Knowledge and the University

Bengtsen, Soren S.E.

329,95 DKK

Math Wise! Over 100 Hands-On Activities that Promote Real Math Understanding, Grades K-8

Math Wise! Over 100 Hands-On Activities that Promote Real Math Understanding, Grades K-8

Kincheloe, Laurie

165,78 DKK

Education Research: The Basics

Education Research: The Basics

Wellington, Jerry

177,19 DKK

Racism in Children's Lives

Racism in Children's Lives

Hatcher, Richard

288,10 DKK

Teaching Intensive and Accelerated Courses

Teaching Intensive and Accelerated Courses

Ginsberg, Margery B.

310,39 DKK

Research Methods in Learning Design and Technology

Research Methods in Learning Design and Technology

Romero-Hall, Enilda

359,43 DKK

Digital Learning: The Key Concepts

Digital Learning: The Key Concepts

Smyth, Keith

230,54 DKK

Hyper-Socialised: How Teachers Enact the Geography Curriculum in Late Capitalism

Hyper-Socialised: How Teachers Enact the Geography Curriculum in Late Capitalism

Mitchell, David

329,95 DKK

Teaching And Its Predicaments

Teaching And Its Predicaments

Burbules, Nicholas

403,64 DKK

Screening for Children with Special Needs

Screening for Children with Special Needs

Lindsay, Geoff

317,82 DKK

Black Girls' Literacies

Black Girls' Literacies

Muhammad, Gholnecsar E.

348,37 DKK

Best Practices in Designing Courses with Open Educational Resources

Best Practices in Designing Courses with Open Educational Resources

Ko, Susan

317,82 DKK

Educational Ideas of Charles Fourier

Educational Ideas of Charles Fourier

Zeldin, David

288,10 DKK

Education System Design

Education System Design

Younie, Sarah

322,59 DKK

Democratic Theory of Educational Accountability

Democratic Theory of Educational Accountability

Gottlieb, Derek

348,37 DKK

Influencing Higher Education Policy

Influencing Higher Education Policy

McVitty, Debbie

317,82 DKK

Educating Nurses

Educating Nurses

Day, Lisa

366,80 DKK

Collaborative Learning Communities in Middle School Literacy Education

Collaborative Learning Communities in Middle School Literacy Education

Malavasic, Jolene T.

177,19 DKK

Perspectives from Young Children on the Margins

Perspectives from Young Children on the Margins

Gray, Colette

359,43 DKK