Education > Philosophy and theory of education

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Pædagogikkens univers
BookClub ready

Pædagogikkens univers

Lise Søelund

124,65 DKK

Fagdidaktik i psykologi
BookClub ready

Fagdidaktik i psykologi

Mette Morell

356,46 DKK

Arktisk Pædagogik

Arktisk Pædagogik

Torbjørn Ydegaard

88,89 DKK

Mulighedernes didaktik
BookClub ready

Mulighedernes didaktik

Raffaele Brahe-Orlandi

290,69 DKK

Lærer og vejleder

Lærer og vejleder

Tron Inglar

186,26 DKK

Asger Sørensen går på universitetet

Asger Sørensen går på universitetet

Asger Sørensen

97,98 DKK

At ville noget med nogen

At ville noget med nogen

Steen Nepper Larsen

94,21 DKK

Kreative læreprocesser og æstetiske perspektiver

Kreative læreprocesser og æstetiske perspektiver

Tatiana Chemi

94,21 DKK

Al den snak om læring
BookClub ready

Al den snak om læring

Steen Beck

173,68 DKK

Om vore dannelsesanstalters fremtid
BookClub ready

Om vore dannelsesanstalters fremtid

Friedrich Nietzsche

155,11 DKK

Tao of Montessori

Tao of Montessori

Ed.D., Catherine McTamaney

68,60 DKK

Importance of Average

Importance of Average

Johnson, Bonnie

348,37 DKK

Craft of College Teaching

Craft of College Teaching

Borst, Anton

161,96 DKK

Mathematical Experience, Study Edition

Mathematical Experience, Study Edition

Marchisotto, Elena Anne

509,93 DKK

Brwydr i Baradwys?

Brwydr i Baradwys?

Thomas, Huw

113,25 DKK

Thinking and Acting Systemically

Thinking and Acting Systemically

Kara Finnigan, Finnigan

322,59 DKK

Talk, Thinking and Philosophy in the Primary Classroom

Talk, Thinking and Philosophy in the Primary Classroom

Smith, John

260,50 DKK

Importance of Average

Importance of Average

Johnson, Bonnie

348,37 DKK

Opening Minds, Improving Lives

Opening Minds, Improving Lives

Murphy-Graham, Erin

202,96 DKK

Children's Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Children's Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Eaude, Tony

295,53 DKK

Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning

Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning

Suzanne Hidi, Hidi

403,64 DKK

Integrating Schools in a Changing Society

Integrating Schools in a Changing Society

DeBray, Elizabeth

253,01 DKK

Integrating Schools in a Changing Society

Integrating Schools in a Changing Society

DeBray, Elizabeth

253,01 DKK

Influences and Inspirations in Curriculum Studies Research and Teaching

Influences and Inspirations in Curriculum Studies Research and Teaching

Yallop, John J. Guiney

348,37 DKK

Best Interests of the Student

Best Interests of the Student

Frick, William C.

348,37 DKK

Exploring Childhood and Youth

Exploring Childhood and Youth

Holford, Naomi

245,52 DKK

ICT and International Learning Ecologies

ICT and International Learning Ecologies

Lubin, Ian A.

348,37 DKK

Interpreting International Education

Interpreting International Education

Hayden, Mary

348,37 DKK

Critical Race Theory in Education

Critical Race Theory in Education

Gillborn, David

436,85 DKK

Public Schools and Private Practice

Public Schools and Private Practice

Wilson, John

436,85 DKK