Political activism / Political engagement > Terrorism, armed struggle

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Massakrer og terror
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Massakrer og terror

Alt Om Historie

35,84 DKK

Massakrer och terror
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Massakrer och terror

Allt Om Historia

27,55 DKK

Massakrer og terror
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Massakrer og terror

All Verdens Historie

29,01 DKK

Antiterrorismens idéhistorie
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Antiterrorismens idéhistorie

n a

154,37 DKK

Bloedbaden en terreur
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Bloedbaden en terreur

Alles over Historia

36,20 DKK

Joukkomurhia ja terrorismia
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Joukkomurhia ja terrorismia

Maailman Historia

35,06 DKK

Tryg i en terrortid
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Tryg i en terrortid

Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen

155,11 DKK

Terrorens kalifat
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Terrorens kalifat

Deniz B. Serinci

92,69 DKK

I hadets have
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I hadets have


37,09 DKK

Beyond Terror

Beyond Terror

Peters, Ralph

154,35 DKK

Why Terrorist Groups Form International Alliances

Why Terrorist Groups Form International Alliances

Bacon, Tricia

802,25 DKK

Innovation, Transformation, and War

Innovation, Transformation, and War

Russell, James

261,25 DKK

Leaderless Jihad

Leaderless Jihad

Sageman, Marc

302,96 DKK

Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa

Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa

Rotberg, Robert I.

403,64 DKK

Understanding Terror Networks

Understanding Terror Networks

Sageman, Marc

329,95 DKK

Innovation, Transformation, and War

Innovation, Transformation, and War

Russell, James

261,25 DKK

Leaderless Jihad

Leaderless Jihad

Sageman, Marc

302,96 DKK

Why Terrorist Groups Form International Alliances

Why Terrorist Groups Form International Alliances

Bacon, Tricia

802,25 DKK

Understanding Terror Networks

Understanding Terror Networks

Sageman, Marc

329,95 DKK

Deterring Rational Fanatics

Deterring Rational Fanatics

Wilner, Alex S.

802,25 DKK

Terrorism and Global Disorder

Terrorism and Global Disorder

Adrian Guelke, Guelke

209,76 DKK

Deterring Rational Fanatics

Deterring Rational Fanatics

Wilner, Alex S.

802,25 DKK



McCants, William

35,47 DKK

Fighting for the Future

Fighting for the Future

Peters, Ralph

135,33 DKK

New Face of Terrorism

New Face of Terrorism

Benjamin Cole, Cole

200,69 DKK

Middle Eastern Terrorism

Middle Eastern Terrorism

Ensalaco, Mark

329,95 DKK

Deterring Terrorism

Deterring Terrorism

Wilner, Alex

302,96 DKK

Deterring Terrorism

Deterring Terrorism

Wilner, Alex

302,96 DKK