Macroeconomics > Monetary economics

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What Money Wants

What Money Wants

Yuran, Noam

280,67 DKK

Foreign Exchange Matrix

Foreign Exchange Matrix

Schmelzer, Vicki

265,81 DKK

Controlling Currency Mismatches in Emerging Markets

Controlling Currency Mismatches in Emerging Markets

Turner, Philip

80,10 DKK

What Money Wants

What Money Wants

Yuran, Noam

280,67 DKK

International Monetary Cooperation

International Monetary Cooperation

Green, Russell A.

158,16 DKK

Inflation Targeting in the World Economy

Inflation Targeting in the World Economy

Truman, Edwin M.

80,10 DKK

International Monetary Cooperation

International Monetary Cooperation

Green, Russell A.

158,16 DKK

China's Venture Capital Market

China's Venture Capital Market

Zhang, Lin

948,41 DKK

China's Venture Capital Market

China's Venture Capital Market

Zhang, Lin

948,41 DKK

Reserve Bank = A License to Steal Money from Citizens? (How Money is Created from Nothing for Dummies)

Reserve Bank = A License to Steal Money from Citizens? (How Money is Created from Nothing for Dummies)

Motiar, Ahmed

27,90 DKK

4 Keys to Profitable Forex Trend Trading

4 Keys to Profitable Forex Trend Trading

Weaver, Christopher

196,23 DKK

One-Month Money

One-Month Money

Davies, Oliver

151,31 DKK

Inside the Euro Crisis

Inside the Euro Crisis

Djankov, Simeon

80,10 DKK

Reforming the IMF for the 21st Century

Reforming the IMF for the 21st Century

Truman, Edwin M.

80,10 DKK

Inside the Euro Crisis

Inside the Euro Crisis

Djankov, Simeon

80,10 DKK

Foreign Exchange: The Complete Deal

Foreign Exchange: The Complete Deal

Sharpe, James

265,81 DKK

Toward an East Asian Exchange Rate Regime

Toward an East Asian Exchange Rate Regime

Eichengreen, Barry

202,96 DKK

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets

Mazumder, Sandeep

473,39 DKK

Regional Integration in West Africa

Regional Integration in West Africa

Songwe, Vera

302,96 DKK

Smart Woman's Guide to Bitcoin

Smart Woman's Guide to Bitcoin

Ayala, Rachelle

32,53 DKK

Strategy for IMF Reform

Strategy for IMF Reform

Truman, Edwin M.

80,10 DKK

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets

Mazumder, Sandeep

473,39 DKK

Coming Currency Collapse and what you can do about it

Coming Currency Collapse and what you can do about it

Smith, Jerome

34,76 DKK

Value and Money

Value and Money

Adams, Olufolake Stephen

262,00 DKK

Regional Integration in West Africa

Regional Integration in West Africa

Songwe, Vera

302,96 DKK

Future of the Euro

Future of the Euro

Blyth, Mark

337,32 DKK

All About Forex Trading

All About Forex Trading

Hansen, S. Wade

155,11 DKK

All About Forex Trading

All About Forex Trading

Hansen, S. Wade

155,11 DKK

Forex Made Easy

Forex Made Easy

Dicks, James

253,01 DKK

Handbook of Digital Currency

Handbook of Digital Currency

1021,49 DKK