Economics, Finance, Business and Management > Business and Management

Vis mig kun

CEO, Strategy, and Shareholder Value

CEO, Strategy, and Shareholder Value

Kontes, Peter

196,23 DKK

Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization

Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization

Martin, Patricia Yancey

875,33 DKK

Creative Cash Flow Reporting

Creative Cash Flow Reporting

Comiskey, Eugene E.

260,50 DKK

Smarter, Faster, Cheaper

Smarter, Faster, Cheaper

Garland, David Siteman

139,13 DKK

Tuned In

Tuned In

Scott, David Meerman

158,93 DKK

How Men Think

How Men Think

Mendell, Adrienne

52,75 DKK

Too Big to Fail

Too Big to Fail

Benton E. Gup, Gup

25,00 DKK

Instant Interviews

Instant Interviews

Allen, Jeffrey G.

94,21 DKK

How to Run Your Business by The Book

How to Run Your Business by The Book

Anderson, Dave

123,90 DKK

Making Six Sigma Last

Making Six Sigma Last

Eckes, George

188,61 DKK

Managing Customers Profitably

Managing Customers Profitably

Ryals, Lynette

302,96 DKK

Unconventional Wisdom

Unconventional Wisdom

Ward, John

366,80 DKK

Top 10 Distinctions Between Winners and Whiners

Top 10 Distinctions Between Winners and Whiners

Smith, Keith Cameron

101,06 DKK



Taylor, David

209,76 DKK

Social Media Metrics

Social Media Metrics

Sterne, Jim

139,13 DKK

Email Marketing By the Numbers

Email Marketing By the Numbers

Baggott, Chris

115,53 DKK

Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor

Linda K. Fuller, Fuller

317,82 DKK

Well Connected

Well Connected

Curtis, Gordon S.

151,31 DKK

Leadership Brain For Dummies

Leadership Brain For Dummies

Sprenger, Marilee B.

115,53 DKK

Open Innovation Revolution

Open Innovation Revolution

Lindegaard, Stefan

209,76 DKK

Emotional Capitalists

Emotional Capitalists

Newman, Martyn

108,68 DKK

High Performance Companies

High Performance Companies

Pangarkar, Nitin

260,50 DKK

Strategies, Markets and Governance

Strategies, Markets and Governance

Yaziji, Michael

1167,65 DKK

Getting Started in Consulting

Getting Started in Consulting

Weiss, Alan

97,26 DKK

Evidence Based Coaching Handbook

Evidence Based Coaching Handbook

Grant, Anthony M.

546,47 DKK

Critical Corporate Communications

Critical Corporate Communications

Salter, Brian

403,64 DKK

How NASA Builds Teams

How NASA Builds Teams

Pellerin, Charles J.

230,54 DKK

Applied EI

Applied EI

Knight, Amanda

302,96 DKK

FedEx Delivers

FedEx Delivers

Birla, Madan

200,69 DKK

Evidence Based Coaching Handbook

Evidence Based Coaching Handbook

Grant, Anthony M.

546,47 DKK