Business and Management > Consultancy

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Den modige konsulent
BookClub ready

Den modige konsulent

Camille Leicht

180,36 DKK

Un gran jugador de equipo remoto

Un gran jugador de equipo remoto

Partners, Xn

32,82 DKK

Ανάπτυξη των Ηγετικών Δεξιοτήτων

Ανάπτυξη των Ηγετικών Δεξιοτήτων

.B, Hiriyappa

37,36 DKK

Adaptarse al cambio es la unica opcion

Adaptarse al cambio es la unica opcion

Partners, Xn

32,82 DKK

Can American Manufacturing Be Saved?

Can American Manufacturing Be Saved?

NashHoff, Michele

90,41 DKK

10 Rap Commandments: Tips and Secrets to make it to the top of the music business.

10 Rap Commandments: Tips and Secrets to make it to the top of the music business.

Stevens, Chauncey &quote;Chino Dolla&quote;

41,78 DKK

Consulting Demons

Consulting Demons

Pinault, Lewis

96,50 DKK

Million Dollar Consulting

Million Dollar Consulting

Weiss, Alan

169,58 DKK

Consultant's Toolkit: 45 High-Impact Questionnaires, Activities, and How-To Guides for Diagnosing and Solving Client Problems

Consultant's Toolkit: 45 High-Impact Questionnaires, Activities, and How-To Guides for Diagnosing and Solving Client Problems

Silberman, Mel

265,81 DKK

Million Dollar Consulting

Million Dollar Consulting

Weiss, Alan

169,58 DKK

Consultant's Toolkit: 45 High-Impact Questionnaires, Activities, and How-To Guides for Diagnosing and Solving Client Problems

Consultant's Toolkit: 45 High-Impact Questionnaires, Activities, and How-To Guides for Diagnosing and Solving Client Problems

Silberman, Mel

265,81 DKK

Environmental Consulting Fundamentals

Environmental Consulting Fundamentals

Alter, Benjamin

403,64 DKK

Trusted Advisor: 20th Anniversary Edition

Trusted Advisor: 20th Anniversary Edition

Maister, David H.

122,49 DKK



Hoffjann, Olaf

230,54 DKK

Consulting und Projektmanagement in Industrieunternehmen

Consulting und Projektmanagement in Industrieunternehmen

Hartel, Dirk H.

302,96 DKK



Hoffjann, Olaf

230,54 DKK

Clicks in E-Business

Clicks in E-Business

Ringlstetter, Max J.

875,33 DKK

Business Funding For Dummies

Business Funding For Dummies

Panzarino, Helene

165,78 DKK

Business Funding For Dummies

Business Funding For Dummies

Panzarino, Helene

165,78 DKK

Management Consultancy

Management Consultancy

Allan J. Sim, Sim

509,93 DKK

Consultancy and Innovation

Consultancy and Innovation

Wood, Peter

403,64 DKK

Consultancy and Innovation

Consultancy and Innovation

Wood, Peter

403,64 DKK

Barnstable and The Ning Nong of Grockle

Barnstable and The Ning Nong of Grockle

Allen, Brian

20,74 DKK

Reputation Economy

Reputation Economy

Gandini, Alessandro

509,93 DKK

How to Become a Consultant

How to Become a Consultant

Elvy, B.H.

436,85 DKK

FIDIC Yellow Book: A Commentary

FIDIC Yellow Book: A Commentary

Beaumont, Ben

1167,65 DKK

Perfect Consultant

Perfect Consultant

Eggert , Max And Van Der Zeil , Elaine

57,30 DKK

Check Lists for Success

Check Lists for Success

Napier, Peter C.

84,99 DKK

When Professionals Have to Lead

When Professionals Have to Lead

Lees, Robert J.

273,24 DKK

Salesforce Consultant's Guide

Salesforce Consultant's Guide

Negley, Heather

288,10 DKK