Business and Management > Management and management techniques

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MacDonald, Matthew

108,68 DKK

Purchasing Chessboard

Purchasing Chessboard

Triplat, Alenka

337,32 DKK

Parallel Processing in Digital Control

Parallel Processing in Digital Control

Fleming, Peter J.

436,85 DKK

Proactive Intelligence

Proactive Intelligence

Vella, Carolyn M.

802,25 DKK

Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge

Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge

Bjerke, Bjorn

656,09 DKK

Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare Enterprise

Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare Enterprise

Furterer, Sandra L.

948,41 DKK

Sixth Sense for Project Management

Sixth Sense for Project Management

Roeder, Tres

142,94 DKK

Leadership Without Silver Bullets

Leadership Without Silver Bullets

Ralph, Phillip

84,99 DKK

CO2: A Valuable Source of Carbon

CO2: A Valuable Source of Carbon

Centi, Gabriele

1386,89 DKK

Cross-Media Service Delivery

Cross-Media Service Delivery

Spinellis, Diomidis

1240,73 DKK

Handbook of Crisis Communication

Handbook of Crisis Communication

Holladay, Sherry J.

436,85 DKK

Myths of Work

Myths of Work

MacRae, Ian

80,10 DKK

Beyond Success

Beyond Success

Gitterman, Jeff

40,46 DKK

Human Resource Development and Information Technology

Human Resource Development and Information Technology

Cude, Roger L.

1240,73 DKK

Decision Making in Manufacturing Environment Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods

Decision Making in Manufacturing Environment Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods

Rao, R. Venkata

1240,73 DKK

Decision-Based Design

Decision-Based Design

Wassenaar, Henk Jan

2190,77 DKK

Narrative Methods for Organizational & Communication Research

Narrative Methods for Organizational & Communication Research

Boje, David M

473,39 DKK

Qualitative Methods in Management Research

Qualitative Methods in Management Research

Gummesson, Evert

802,25 DKK

Charismatic Leadership in Organizations

Charismatic Leadership in Organizations

Kanungo, Rabindra N.

546,47 DKK

Handbook of Service Description

Handbook of Service Description

Oberle, Daniel

875,33 DKK

Interactive Image Processing for Machine Vision

Interactive Image Processing for Machine Vision

Waltz, Frederick

1240,73 DKK

Creative Marketing: a New Management Philosophy

Creative Marketing: a New Management Philosophy

Luke, Robin

50,64 DKK

Year To Success

Year To Success

PhD, Bo Bennett

84,99 DKK

Feedback Control Theory for Dynamic Traffic Assignment

Feedback Control Theory for Dynamic Traffic Assignment

Ozbay, Kaan

436,85 DKK

Design for Environmental Sustainability

Design for Environmental Sustainability

Vezzoli, Carlo Arnaldo

2190,77 DKK

Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators

Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators

Siciliano, Bruno

802,25 DKK

SAGE Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research

SAGE Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research

Holt, Robin

403,64 DKK

CIRP Design 2012

CIRP Design 2012

Chakrabarti, Amaresh

2190,77 DKK

Understanding Complexity

Understanding Complexity

Wilby, Jennifer

1240,73 DKK

Making the Most of Your Placement

Making the Most of Your Placement

Evans-Brain, Jane

223,05 DKK