Media, entertainment, information and communication industries > Information technology industries

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Industrial Electronics for Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians

Industrial Electronics for Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians

Shanefield, Daniel J.

546,47 DKK

Global Usability

Global Usability

Liu, Zhengjie

1240,73 DKK

21st Century Security Officer: Situational Awareness

21st Century Security Officer: Situational Awareness

Roach, D.W.

27,15 DKK

Reflection on the Looking Glass (Thoughts on being an Actor in our Times)

Reflection on the Looking Glass (Thoughts on being an Actor in our Times)

Haworth, Peter James

27,75 DKK

HIV/AIDS Internet Information Sources and Resources

HIV/AIDS Internet Information Sources and Resources

Huber, Jeffrey

403,64 DKK

Value-Added Services for Next Generation Networks

Value-Added Services for Next Generation Networks

Velde, Thierry Van de

509,93 DKK

HIV/AIDS Internet Information Sources and Resources

HIV/AIDS Internet Information Sources and Resources

Huber, Jeffrey

403,64 DKK

Haunted Empire

Haunted Empire

Kane, Yukari Iwatani

70,23 DKK

Business of IT, The

Business of IT, The

Raducha-Grace, Tim

245,52 DKK

101 Best Tech Resumes

101 Best Tech Resumes

Block, Jay A.

84,99 DKK

Newnes TV and Video Engineer's Pocket Book

Newnes TV and Video Engineer's Pocket Book


310,39 DKK

Business of IT, The

Business of IT, The

Raducha-Grace, Tim

150,55 DKK

Electronic Classics

Electronic Classics

Emmerson, Andrew

436,85 DKK

100% Unofficial Roblox Mega Hits 2

100% Unofficial Roblox Mega Hits 2


67,78 DKK

Information Systems Security Officer's Guide

Information Systems Security Officer's Guide

Kovacich, Gerald L.

25,00 DKK

Valve Radio and Audio Repair Handbook

Valve Radio and Audio Repair Handbook


436,85 DKK

Closed Circuit Television

Closed Circuit Television

Cieszynski, Joe

295,53 DKK

Television Microprocessor IC Data Files

Television Microprocessor IC Data Files


280,67 DKK

Practical Electronic Fault-Finding and Troubleshooting

Practical Electronic Fault-Finding and Troubleshooting


473,39 DKK

Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?

Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?

Brockman, John

84,89 DKK

Transformers and Motors

Transformers and Motors

Shultz, George

436,85 DKK

Situational Modeling: Definitions, Awareness, Simulation

Situational Modeling: Definitions, Awareness, Simulation

Alexander Fridman

2190,77 DKK

Computer Law

Computer Law

Reed, Chris

875,33 DKK

History of Computing: A Very Short Introduction

History of Computing: A Very Short Introduction

Swade, Doron

57,30 DKK

Ringtone Dialectic

Ringtone Dialectic

Gopinath, Sumanth

280,67 DKK

It Began with Babbage

It Began with Babbage

Dasgupta, Subrata

344,69 DKK

It Began with Babbage

It Began with Babbage

Dasgupta, Subrata

273,24 DKK

Dogfight: How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution

Dogfight: How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution

Vogelstein, Fred

81,03 DKK