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Pulmonale Funktionsdiagnostik in der Lungenchirurgie

Pulmonale Funktionsdiagnostik in der Lungenchirurgie

Konietzko, N.

337,32 DKK



Kiefer, Thomas

403,64 DKK

Die künstliche Beatmung auf Intensivstationen

Die künstliche Beatmung auf Intensivstationen

Wolff, G.

322,59 DKK

Die Lungenfunktion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des wachsenden Organismus

Die Lungenfunktion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des wachsenden Organismus

Hotter, Gerd-Josef

343,95 DKK

Die künstliche Beatmung auf Intensivstationen

Die künstliche Beatmung auf Intensivstationen

Wolff, G.

322,59 DKK

Intubation, Tracheotomie und bronchopulmonale Infektion

Intubation, Tracheotomie und bronchopulmonale Infektion

Rugheimer, E.

295,53 DKK

Die Kohlensäuretension in den Lungenalveolen

Die Kohlensäuretension in den Lungenalveolen

Loeb, Laurence Farmer

322,59 DKK

Inhalation Toxicology

Inhalation Toxicology

Mohr, Ulrich

875,33 DKK

Patología pulmonar

Patología pulmonar

Farver, Carol F.

692,63 DKK

Lo esencial en neumología

Lo esencial en neumología

Lawrence, Hannah

223,80 DKK

Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial

Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial

Richeldi, Luca

280,67 DKK

Medicina personalizada en el asma

Medicina personalizada en el asma

Wechsler, Michael E

280,67 DKK

International Classification of HRCT for Occupational and Environmental Respiratory Diseases

International Classification of HRCT for Occupational and Environmental Respiratory Diseases

Parker, John E.

1240,73 DKK

Radiology of the Respiratory System

Radiology of the Respiratory System

Flower, C.D.R

436,85 DKK

Het pulmonaal formularium

Het pulmonaal formularium

van den Bosch, J.M.M.

265,81 DKK



Allegra, Luigi

436,85 DKK

Mechanics of Breathing

Mechanics of Breathing

Pedotti, Antonio

692,63 DKK

Drug-Induced Lung Injury

Drug-Induced Lung Injury

Aoshiba, Kazutetsu

875,33 DKK

Het astma formularium

Het astma formularium

Chavannes, N.H.

192,41 DKK

Pneumopedics And Craniofacial Epigenetics: Biomimetic Oral Appliance Therapy For Pediatric And Adult Sleep Disordered Breathing

Pneumopedics And Craniofacial Epigenetics: Biomimetic Oral Appliance Therapy For Pediatric And Adult Sleep Disordered Breathing

G Dave Singh, Singh

1167,65 DKK

Het astma formularium

Het astma formularium

Chavannes, N.H.

192,41 DKK

Veel gestelde vragen over COPD

Veel gestelde vragen over COPD

Dekhuijzen, P.N.R.

192,41 DKK

Interstitial Lung Disease

Interstitial Lung Disease

Carroll, K.B.

436,85 DKK

Mechanics of Breathing

Mechanics of Breathing

Pedotti, Antonio

948,41 DKK

Airways Obstruction

Airways Obstruction

Geddes, D.M.

436,85 DKK

Viral and Other Infections of the Human Respiratory Tract

Viral and Other Infections of the Human Respiratory Tract

Taylor-Robinson, David

1240,73 DKK

Assessment of a Patient with Lung Disease

Assessment of a Patient with Lung Disease

Webb, J.R.

436,85 DKK

ECMO-Extracorporeal Life Support in Adults

ECMO-Extracorporeal Life Support in Adults

Pesenti, Antonio

1313,81 DKK

Mechanical Ventilation in Patient with Respiratory Failure

Mechanical Ventilation in Patient with Respiratory Failure

Pupella, Rosalia Ameliana

802,25 DKK

Pneumopedics And Craniofacial Epigenetics: Biomimetic Oral Appliance Therapy For Pediatric And Adult Sleep Disordered Breathing

Pneumopedics And Craniofacial Epigenetics: Biomimetic Oral Appliance Therapy For Pediatric And Adult Sleep Disordered Breathing

G Dave Singh, Singh

1167,65 DKK