Mathematics and Science

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25 søforklaringer
BookClub ready

25 søforklaringer

n a

146,94 DKK

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BookClub ready

Viden uden grænser

n a

217,61 DKK

50 opdagelser
BookClub ready

50 opdagelser

Helge Kragh

117,22 DKK

BookClub ready


Helge Kragh

39,46 DKK

50 opdagelser
BookClub ready

50 opdagelser

Helge Kragh

117,22 DKK

Klima, kold krig og iskerner
BookClub ready

Klima, kold krig og iskerner

Maiken Lolck

82,80 DKK

BookClub ready


David Favrholdt

78,23 DKK

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BookClub ready

Viden om vand

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101,01 DKK

BookClub ready


Steen Hannestad

78,23 DKK

Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet

Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet

Zwart, Jonathan

302,96 DKK

Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet

Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet

Zwart, Jonathan

322,59 DKK

Einstein-Klein-Gordon Coupled System

Einstein-Klein-Gordon Coupled System

Pausader, Benoit

546,47 DKK

Engineering Formulas for Metalcutting

Engineering Formulas for Metalcutting

Isakov, Edmund

436,85 DKK

Molecular Gas Dynamics

Molecular Gas Dynamics

Sone, Yoshio

2190,77 DKK

Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866

Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866

Laugwitz, Detlef

509,93 DKK

3-D Spinors, Spin-Weighted Functions and their Applications

3-D Spinors, Spin-Weighted Functions and their Applications

Castillo, Gerardo F. Torres del

436,85 DKK

Scientific Programmer's Toolkit

Scientific Programmer's Toolkit

Beilby, M.H

2190,77 DKK

General Theory of Relativity

General Theory of Relativity

Rahaman, Farook

509,93 DKK

Selfdual Gauge Field Vortices

Selfdual Gauge Field Vortices

Tarantello, Gabriella

875,33 DKK

Discrete Signals and Systems with MATLAB(R)

Discrete Signals and Systems with MATLAB(R)

ElAli, Taan S.

403,64 DKK

College Physics Essentials, Eighth Edition

College Physics Essentials, Eighth Edition

Lou, Bo

403,64 DKK

API Polyurethanes Expo 2001

API Polyurethanes Expo 2001

Industry, API Alliance for the Polyurethanes

2921,57 DKK

Science in Action

Science in Action

Lenihan, John

2190,77 DKK

Astrophysical Magnetic Fields

Astrophysical Magnetic Fields

Subramanian, Kandaswamy

2190,77 DKK

College Physics Essentials, Eighth Edition

College Physics Essentials, Eighth Edition

Lou, Bo

403,64 DKK

Principles of Electron Optics

Principles of Electron Optics

Kasper, Erwin

1313,81 DKK

Elementary Linear Algebra, Students Solutions Manual

Elementary Linear Algebra, Students Solutions Manual

Hecker, David

77,76 DKK



Attaway, Dorothy C.

25,00 DKK

Scientific Programmer's Toolkit

Scientific Programmer's Toolkit

Beilby, M.H

2190,77 DKK