Topics in philosophy > Philosophy: epistemology and theory of knowledge

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Totalitet som kategori. En erkendelsesteoretisk undersøgelse
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Totalitet som kategori. En erkendelsesteoretisk undersøgelse

Harald Høffding

40,27 DKK

Niels Bohr Filosofiske skrifter Bind 4

Niels Bohr Filosofiske skrifter Bind 4

Niels Bohr

184,09 DKK

Filosofisk codex. Om begrundelsen af den menneskelige erkendelse
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Filosofisk codex. Om begrundelsen af den menneskelige erkendelse

David Favrholdt

78,99 DKK

Erkendelsesteori og livsopfattelse
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Erkendelsesteori og livsopfattelse

Harald Høffding

55,92 DKK

Vor naturerkendelse
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Vor naturerkendelse

Kristian Kroman

103,28 DKK

Filosofía de la cognición
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Filosofía de la cognición

Bruno Elías Maduro Rodríguez

46,77 DKK

The Advancement of Learning
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The Advancement of Learning

Francis Bacon

37,09 DKK

Bevidsthedsproblemet i Harald Høffdings filosofi
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Bevidsthedsproblemet i Harald Høffdings filosofi

David Favrholdt

35,84 DKK

Den litterære vending. Dekonstruktiv videnskabsteori
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Den litterære vending. Dekonstruktiv videnskabsteori

Hans Hauge

55,92 DKK

Groundless Belief

Groundless Belief

Williams, Michael

403,64 DKK

Groundless Belief

Groundless Belief

Williams, Michael

403,64 DKK

Perceiving God

Perceiving God

Alston, William P.

196,23 DKK

Truth: A Guide for the Perplexed

Truth: A Guide for the Perplexed

Blackburn, Simon

90,41 DKK

Denial of Death

Denial of Death

Becker, Ernest

77,59 DKK

Fact and Method

Fact and Method

Miller, Richard W.

692,63 DKK

When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People

When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People

Shapiro, Lawrence

135,33 DKK

Fact and Method

Fact and Method

Miller, Richard W.

692,63 DKK

When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People

When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People

Shapiro, Lawrence

135,33 DKK

Science as Social Knowledge

Science as Social Knowledge

Longino, Helen E.

329,95 DKK

Luck: Its Nature and Significance for Human Knowledge and Agency

Luck: Its Nature and Significance for Human Knowledge and Agency

Coffman, E.J.

436,85 DKK



Baumann, Peter

154,35 DKK

Conscience as Cognition

Conscience as Cognition

Jan Krokos, Krokos

403,64 DKK

Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie

Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie

Melchior, Guido

619,55 DKK

Live and Let Live

Live and Let Live

Balg, Dominik

802,25 DKK



Schurz, Gerhard

154,35 DKK

Moritz Schlick. Frühe erkenntnistheoretische Schriften

Moritz Schlick. Frühe erkenntnistheoretische Schriften

Stelling, Jendrik

1167,65 DKK

Das System der Philosophie

Das System der Philosophie

Abraham Ehrlich, Ehrlich

583,01 DKK

Live and Let Live

Live and Let Live

Balg, Dominik

802,25 DKK

Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie

Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie

Melchior, Guido

619,55 DKK



David Pinzer, Pinzer

473,39 DKK