Topics in philosophy > Philosophy: aesthetics

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47,58 DKK

Kunst og erkendelse
BookClub ready

Kunst og erkendelse

K.E. Løgstrup

155,11 DKK

Historien som værk
BookClub ready

Historien som værk

Dorthe Jørgensen

146,94 DKK

At se Gud i skønheden

At se Gud i skønheden

Jacob Munk

99,50 DKK

Den franske æstetik i vore dage
BookClub ready

Den franske æstetik i vore dage

Georg Brandes

64,92 DKK

The Gesamtkunstwerk in Design and Architecture
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The Gesamtkunstwerk in Design and Architecture

Anders V. Munch

146,94 DKK

The Gesamtkunstwerk in Design and Architecture
BookClub ready

The Gesamtkunstwerk in Design and Architecture

Anders V. Munch

146,94 DKK

Negativ dialektik
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Negativ dialektik

Theodor W. Adorno

90,41 DKK

Holbergs træ i Fiolstræde
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Holbergs træ i Fiolstræde

Ludvig Feilberg

40,27 DKK

Æstetik og filosofi
BookClub ready

Æstetik og filosofi

David Favrholdt

64,92 DKK

Ethical Encounter

Ethical Encounter

Cordner, C.

875,33 DKK

Talking Cure

Talking Cure

Cohen, Paula Marantz

169,58 DKK

Talking Cure

Talking Cure

Cohen, Paula Marantz

169,58 DKK

Short Philosophy of Birds

Short Philosophy of Birds

Rousseau, Elise

117,05 DKK

Die Ästhetik des Subjekts

Die Ästhetik des Subjekts

Beer, Raphael

230,54 DKK

Zweck und Zweckfreiheit

Zweck und Zweckfreiheit

Siegmund, Judith

253,01 DKK

End-of-Art Philosophy in Hegel, Nietzsche and Danto

End-of-Art Philosophy in Hegel, Nietzsche and Danto

Snyder, Stephen

656,09 DKK

Stanley Cavell on Aesthetic Understanding

Stanley Cavell on Aesthetic Understanding

Hagberg, Garry L.

802,25 DKK

Goethes Ästhetik

Goethes Ästhetik

Scharf, Christian

192,41 DKK

Stanley Cavell on Aesthetic Understanding

Stanley Cavell on Aesthetic Understanding

Hagberg, Garry L.

802,25 DKK

End-of-Art Philosophy in Hegel, Nietzsche and Danto

End-of-Art Philosophy in Hegel, Nietzsche and Danto

Snyder, Stephen

656,09 DKK

From Shakespeare to Existentialism

From Shakespeare to Existentialism

Kaufmann, Walter A.

329,95 DKK

Ethics, Aesthetics, and Education

Ethics, Aesthetics, and Education

Blumenfeld-Jones, Donald S.

436,85 DKK

Bloomsbury Aesthetics and the Novels of Forster and Woolf

Bloomsbury Aesthetics and the Novels of Forster and Woolf

Dowling, David

1240,73 DKK

Religious Aesthetics

Religious Aesthetics

Brown, Frank Burch

436,85 DKK

Selected Writings on Aesthetics

Selected Writings on Aesthetics

Herder, Johann Gottfried

875,33 DKK

Erotic Bird

Erotic Bird

Natanson, Maurice

366,80 DKK

Aesthetics of Mimesis

Aesthetics of Mimesis

Halliwell, Stephen

436,85 DKK

Erotic Bird

Erotic Bird

Natanson, Maurice

366,80 DKK