Bibles > Old Testaments

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Kommentar til Første Mosebog

Kommentar til Første Mosebog

Søren Holst

43,11 DKK

David og Saul
BookClub ready

David og Saul

Kristian Tellerup

75,19 DKK

Kommentar til Første Mosebog
BookClub ready

Kommentar til Første Mosebog

Søren Holst

43,11 DKK

David - Israels konge
BookClub ready

David - Israels konge

Kristian Tellerup

75,19 DKK

Det Gamle Testamente – Bibelen 2020

Det Gamle Testamente – Bibelen 2020


139,51 DKK

Omkring Bibelhistorien. Seks Foredrag
BookClub ready

Omkring Bibelhistorien. Seks Foredrag

Aage Bentzen

55,92 DKK

På sporet af Noas ark. Sandheden om syndfloden
BookClub ready

På sporet af Noas ark. Sandheden om syndfloden

Kristian Kristiansen

40,27 DKK

Sprache und literarische Gestalt des Buches Deuteronomium

Sprache und literarische Gestalt des Buches Deuteronomium

Norbert Lohfink, Lohfink

619,55 DKK

Sprache und literarische Gestalt des Buches Deuteronomium

Sprache und literarische Gestalt des Buches Deuteronomium

Norbert Lohfink, Lohfink

619,55 DKK

Honigtrank des Origenes und Balsam des seligen Bernhards

Honigtrank des Origenes und Balsam des seligen Bernhards

Marion Ranke, Ranke

403,64 DKK

Deuteronomium 10,12-11,32: Gottes Hauptgebot, der Gehorsam Israels und sein Land

Deuteronomium 10,12-11,32: Gottes Hauptgebot, der Gehorsam Israels und sein Land

Alexander Kraljic, Kraljic

802,25 DKK

 He remembered that they were but flesh, a breath that passes and does not return  (Ps 78, 39)

He remembered that they were but flesh, a breath that passes and does not return (Ps 78, 39)

Marco Pavan, Pavan

692,63 DKK

Honigtrank des Origenes und Balsam des seligen Bernhards

Honigtrank des Origenes und Balsam des seligen Bernhards

Marion Ranke, Ranke

403,64 DKK

Old Testament as Authoritative Scripture in the Early Churches of the East

Old Testament as Authoritative Scripture in the Early Churches of the East

Vahan Hovhanessian, Hovhanessian

509,93 DKK

Samson as God's Adulterous Wife

Samson as God's Adulterous Wife

M. Alroy Mascrenghe, Mascrenghe

619,55 DKK

Human Creation in the Image of God

Human Creation in the Image of God

Eric Antwi, Antwi

656,09 DKK

Text in the Middle

Text in the Middle

Michael B. Shepherd, Shepherd

546,47 DKK

Not  Who Is on the Lord's Side?  but  Whose Side Is the Lord On?

Not Who Is on the Lord's Side? but Whose Side Is the Lord On?

Timothy F. Simpson, Simpson

509,93 DKK

Textual World of the Bible

Textual World of the Bible

Michael B. Shepherd, Shepherd

473,39 DKK

Text in the Middle

Text in the Middle

Michael B. Shepherd, Shepherd

546,47 DKK

Not  Who Is on the Lord's Side?  but  Whose Side Is the Lord On?

Not Who Is on the Lord's Side? but Whose Side Is the Lord On?

Timothy F. Simpson, Simpson

509,93 DKK

Samson as God's Adulterous Wife

Samson as God's Adulterous Wife

M. Alroy Mascrenghe, Mascrenghe

619,55 DKK

Prophetic Conflict

Prophetic Conflict

Crenshaw, James L.

875,33 DKK



Sauerwein, Ruth

1021,49 DKK



Pohlmann, Karl-Friedrich

875,33 DKK

Les biens pour rien en Qohéleth 5,9–6,6 ou. La traversée d’un contraste

Les biens pour rien en Qohéleth 5,9–6,6 ou. La traversée d’un contraste

Laurent, Francoise

875,33 DKK

The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives

The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives

Thompson, Thomas L.

875,33 DKK

Historical-Critical Study of the Book of Zephaniah

Historical-Critical Study of the Book of Zephaniah

Zvi, Ehud Ben

1240,73 DKK

Der Mosesegen im Deuteronomium

Der Mosesegen im Deuteronomium

Beyerle, Stefan

1167,65 DKK