Deuteronomium 10,12-11,32: Gottes Hauptgebot, der Gehorsam Israels und sein Land
Alexander Kraljic, Kraljic802,25 DKK

He remembered that they were but flesh, a breath that passes and does not return (Ps 78, 39)
Marco Pavan, Pavan692,63 DKK

Old Testament as Authoritative Scripture in the Early Churches of the East
Vahan Hovhanessian, Hovhanessian509,93 DKK

Not Who Is on the Lord's Side? but Whose Side Is the Lord On?
Timothy F. Simpson, Simpson509,93 DKK

Not Who Is on the Lord's Side? but Whose Side Is the Lord On?
Timothy F. Simpson, Simpson509,93 DKK

Les biens pour rien en Qohéleth 5,9–6,6 ou. La traversée d’un contraste
Laurent, Francoise875,33 DKK