Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes > Technology: general issues

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Android-tablet - Den komplette guide

Android-tablet - Den komplette guide

Kristian Langborg-Hansen

217,61 DKK

Godt i gang med Android tablet

Godt i gang med Android tablet

Kristian Langborg-Hansen

80,51 DKK

Denmark, a Powerhouse of Robotics and Automation

Denmark, a Powerhouse of Robotics and Automation

Malene Grouleff

97,98 DKK

Godt i gang med Android tablet

Godt i gang med Android tablet

Kristian Langborg-Hansen

80,51 DKK

Android tablet - den komplette guide

Android tablet - den komplette guide

Kristian Langborg-Hansen

217,61 DKK

Hvordan kan ny teknologi redde verden?
BookClub ready

Hvordan kan ny teknologi redde verden?

Adam Moe Fejerskov

32,15 DKK

Sultens banemænd

Sultens banemænd

Paul de Kruif

39,46 DKK

Robotlandet Danmark - Et lille land, en stor robotnation

Robotlandet Danmark - Et lille land, en stor robotnation

Malene Grouleff

97,98 DKK

Word - Microsoft 365

Word - Microsoft 365

Charlotte Cederstrøm

78,99 DKK

Computational Thinking

Computational Thinking

Bo Allesøe

46,77 DKK

50 opfindelser
BookClub ready

50 opfindelser

n a

135,79 DKK

Jeg slukker nu!
BookClub ready

Jeg slukker nu!

Catherine Price

57,51 DKK

What Every Engineer Should Know about Inventing

What Every Engineer Should Know about Inventing

Middendorf, William H.

245,52 DKK

Darkening Web

Darkening Web

Klimburg, Alexander

76,02 DKK

What Every Engineer Should Know about Patents

What Every Engineer Should Know about Patents

Konold, William G.

509,93 DKK

Reliability Assessment: A Guide to Aligning Expectations, Practices, and Performance

Reliability Assessment: A Guide to Aligning Expectations, Practices, and Performance

Daley, Daniel

473,39 DKK

Process Scaleup and Design

Process Scaleup and Design

Tatterson, Dr. Gary Benjamin

154,35 DKK

Reliability Assessment: A Guide to Aligning Expectations, Practices, and Performance

Reliability Assessment: A Guide to Aligning Expectations, Practices, and Performance

Daley, Daniel

473,39 DKK

Engineering Thermoplastics

Engineering Thermoplastics

Margolis, James M.

2921,57 DKK

Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements

Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements

Ling, Jianming

2190,77 DKK

International Code of Practice for Planning, Commissioning and Providing Technology Enabled Care Services

International Code of Practice for Planning, Commissioning and Providing Technology Enabled Care Services

Donnelly, Brian

46,46 DKK

Seafood Safety, Processing, and Biotechnology

Seafood Safety, Processing, and Biotechnology

Kitts, David

2921,57 DKK



Eisner, Howard

177,19 DKK

Food Irradiation

Food Irradiation

Satin, Morton

948,41 DKK

Science and Technology of Chapatti and Other Indian Flatbreads

Science and Technology of Chapatti and Other Indian Flatbreads

Lele, Smita S.

1167,65 DKK

SPI/CI International Conference and Exposition 1998

SPI/CI International Conference and Exposition 1998


2921,57 DKK

Design Assurance for Engineers and Managers

Design Assurance for Engineers and Managers

Burgess, John A.

1386,89 DKK

Campus Network Architectures and Technologies

Campus Network Architectures and Technologies

Xu, Hailin

403,64 DKK

Delaware Composites Design Encyclopedia

Delaware Composites Design Encyclopedia

Delawa, University of

546,47 DKK