Beyond intractability? Territorial solutions to self-determination conflicts
Livia Rohrbach90,41 DKK

Limits to objectivity: Relevance and controversiality in the study of political numbers
Hjalte Bonde Meilvang90,41 DKK

The Digital Architectures of Social Media: Platforms and Participation in Contemporary Politics
Michael Bossetta90,41 DKK

Youth Policy, Youth Civic Engagement and Youth Civic Culture across Socio-political Settings: Comparing China and Europe
Xuan Li90,41 DKK

Organizing knowledge and decision-making in street-level professional practice
Anne Mette Møller90,41 DKK

The Politics of the Public Purse: Causes and Consequences of Fiscal Institutions
Lasse Aaskoven90,41 DKK

Arctic identity interactions: Reconfiguring dependency in Greenland’s and Denmark’s foreign policies
Marc Jacobsen90,41 DKK

From Insurance to Intelligence: A Conceptual History of Political Risk
Kitt Plinia Nielsen90,41 DKK

Understanding the Challenges of Aging in a Nordic Welfare State: Micro-Level Investigations from a Life Course Perspective
Agnete Aslaug Kjær90,41 DKK

Route causes of conflict: Trajectories of vio-lent and nonviolent conflict intensification
Isabel Bramsen90,41 DKK

Why litigate? The role of political, bureaucratic and strategic incentives on recourse to trade litigation:
Priya Dershini Parmalingam90,41 DKK

Between Form and Formlessness: Thinking Council Democ-racy with Cornelius Castoriadis, Hannah Arendt and Claude Lefort
Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen90,41 DKK