Goat - Breeds of the British Isles (Domesticated Animals of the British Islands)
Low, David54,41 DKK

Divisions of the Animal Kingdom and Properties of External Form (Domesticated Animals of the British Islands)
Low, David83,35 DKK

Standard Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing and Wagon Making - Twelve Lessons in Elementary Blacksmithing, Adapted to the Demand of Schools and Colleges of Mechanic Arts
Holmstrom, J. G.83,35 DKK

Principles of Irrigation Engineering a "e; Arid Lands, Water Supply, Storage Works, Dams, Canals, Water Rights and Products
Newell, Frederick Haynes83,35 DKK

Handbook of Horse-Shoeing with Introductory Chapters on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot
Dollar, A. W.83,35 DKK

Book about Bees - Their History, Habits, and Instincts; Together with The First Principles of Modern Bee-Keeping for Young Readers
Jenyns, F. G.83,35 DKK

Goat Farming - A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding, Health, Feeding, Products and Many Other Important Aspects of Goat Farming
Various83,35 DKK

Harness: Types and Usage for Riding - Driving and Carriage Horses - With Remarks on Traction, and the Use of the Cape Cart
Philipson, John83,35 DKK

Staining and Polishing - Including Varnishing & Other Methods of Finishing Wood, with Appendix of Recipes
Brough, J. C. S.83,35 DKK