Dry Fly Fast Water - Fishing with the Floating Fly on American Trout Streams, Together with Some Observations on Fly Fishing in General
Branche, George M. L. La83,35 DKK

Book of Fish and Fishing - A Complete Compendium of Practical Advice to Guide Those Who Angle for All Fishes in Fresh and Salt Water
Rhead, Louis83,35 DKK

Fly-Fisher's Entomology - Illustrated by Representations of the Natural and Artificial Insect - And Accompanied by a Few Observations and Instructions Relative to Trout-and-Grayling Fishing
Ronalds, Alfred83,35 DKK

Hunting the Elephant in Africa and Other Recollections of Thirteen Years' Wanderings
Stigand, C. H.83,35 DKK

How To Hunt And Trap - Containing Full Instructions For Hunting The Buffalo, Elk, Moose, Deer, Antelope.
Batty, J. H.83,35 DKK